The Monkey Tracker

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Monkeyyyyyyys of London! ARRRGHOOOO

We escaped the Crazy Train, we reached the end of the line you see, we missed our stop and had to go forward in reverse..

Now we are waiting in line to see lots of dead people in the Paris Catacoumbs..

We don't know where Nomad is, again. We know that we gave a crumb to you all with the Canadian blog a few days ago and that you don't deserve another crumb just yet, but the blog is weeks behind and we need to catch up.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Finallly! Three Young Monkey's in Canada

So I haven´t released a blog for a while, what with the all climbing, women, fast cars, poker games and travelling.. but Nomad and I are driving 800km from Spain to France in one hit and I have had a little spare time to write the Canada blog.